Friday, April 12, 2013

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Shadwell. He was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and the successor of John Adams, which makes Jefferson the 3rd president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson also served at the Continental Congress, who represented Virginia and served also as wartime governor of Virginia. When the Revolutionary War against England ended, Jefferson became a diplomat. Thomas Jefferson was also the first United States Secretary of State, during George Washington's legacy as president. Jefferson began building Monticello in 1768.

Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He wrote it on July 4th of 1776, so that his country would be free from the British. Afterwards, Thomas made the Purchase for the Louisiana Territory in 1803, 828,000 square miles for $230 million in 2012 dollars. He was in office from March 4, 1801 - March 4, 1809. Also, Thomas Jefferson and his friend, James Madison (4th president of the United States), organized the Democratic-Republican Party.

In conclusion, Thomas Jefferson was also a very important man for the American Revolution. He wrote the Declaration of Independence, which is because of that why he is consider an American Founding Father. He served at the Continental Congress and was the first United States Secretary of State. It is because of him why US territory is so big, because of the Louisiana Purchase. He also had slaves, which he treated them good and gave them food.
He was not a great leader, but also a great person.

George Washington; General, Leader, Captain.

George Washington was the First President of the United States of America. He was born on February 22, 1732 and died on December 14, 1799. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Washington served as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He presided the convention that drafted the Constitution.
Washington was born in Virginia. His family owned tobacco and slaves. Washington was a senior officer in the colonial forces, when the first stages of the French and Indian War occurred. In 1775, the Second Continental Congress choose Washington to be commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, during the American Revolution. He was able to remove the British from Boston in 1776, but he was defeated a lot of times when New York City was captured by the "redcoats".

George Washington was the leader that the colonists needed to defeat the British. He was very intelligent, so most of his tactics were of good benefit for the United States. George Washington lead his men on Christmas night of 1776, into the crossing of the Delaware River. Washington decided to give a "surprise attack" to the British and the Hessians (who protected the British). Washington's men bombard them so much, that the Hessians had to leave the place. The battle was called "The Battle of Trenton", which Washington's army won. This was one of the greatest wins, that George Washington had!

George Washington was a very important man for the American nation. Without him and his strategies, United States could have never got free from the British. George Washington was very known because he knew when to retreat. Although United States lost a big series of battles, the could won the war thanks to the man. George Washington was in the Presidential term from April 30, 1789 - March 4, 1797. He died in December 14, 1799 in Mount Vernon. He is one of the greatest leaders America has ever had!

Effect and Impact the American Revolution Had Around The World

The American Revolution had a big effect on the European way of thinking. It demonstrated that it was possible to overthrow an oppressive government. Some of the big effects this had on Europe is that It not only served as an inspiration for France, but also demonstrated that the liberal political ideas of the Enlightenment were more than just nonsense ideas of just people wasting their time but they were really intellectual and well analyzed. We can see that the three major events of the American Revolution had great influence on Europe were: First, the signing the Declaration of Independence. Second, implementing the ideas of Enlightenment and third the formation of the U.S constitution.

First, America by declaring independence demonstrated that it was possible to oppose and not to be agree with old governments, authorities, or laws and ways of doing things. This was the first time a colony had opposed and expressed what they really feel. They also successfully declared its rights to self-government. As an effect of this succesful action many European nations and colonies were inspired and felt confident to express what they felt and what they wanted for their nations. So this made other nations free and at some point this started the evolution of certain things.

Second, The United States had created a new social contract in the form of its Constitution, in which they realized the ideas of Enlightenment. The rights of man, the ideas of liberty, equality, and freedom of religion. this were no longer normal ideas, they took them seriously and started to analyze them. The people who consist the U.S Constitution rejected the ideas of some models such as greeks civic republicanism. They analyzed the differences between the democracy and their own system of representative democracy. This made the burguesy of Europe reconsider their own government and systems.

We can also see how all these factors were part and had an effect in the French Revolution, where the revolutionaries formed their own things like their slogan, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. Europeans obtained information about the American Revolution from soldiers returning from America. French soldiers returned to France with ideas of individual liberty.The French then protested against their monarchy, which they saw as tyranny.
So with all this factors we can really see the impact the American Revolution had around the world and between different nations which took America as a role model.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Battle of Bunker Hill

On June 17, 1775 the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. It is one of the most important colonial victories in the U.S war for independence. It lent considerable encouragement to the revolutionary cause. This battle made both sides realize that this was not going to be a matter decided on by one quick and decisive battle. When the British planned to occupy Dorchester Heights on the Boston Peninsula, the colonists became alarmed at the build up of British troops off of the coast. The colonists decided that action had to be taken so as to stop the threatening British movement in this territory to protect themselves from an attack.

The Battle of Bunker Hill started when the colonists learned about the British plan to occupy Dorchester Heights. The colonists were understandably shaken by this news. They thought they had to protect their land and freedom. The Americans had proved to themselves, and the rest of the world that they could stand up to the British army in traditional warfare. And only a few days later, George Washington would lead a group of men up to Dorchester Heights, aiming their cannons at the British, and then watched the Red Coats retreat from the hill. So even though the British had won the battle, it was a short lived victory since the colonists took control of the hill again, but this time with more soldiers to defend it.

The Battle of Bunker Hill was important for a variety of reasons. The first one being that it was the first battle of the Revolutionary War, and because of the fierce fighting that defined the battle it foreshadowed that it was going to be a long, close war. Another important event that came from the battle was that it allowed the American troops to know that the British army was not invincible, and that they could defeat the British in traditional warfare. The losses experienced on the British side also helped to bolster the colonists confidence. So it came to be that the Battle of Bunker Hill would be the foundation that the colonists would look back to for the many battles that occurred during the American Revolution. The first being that the British suffered heavy losses and would no longer convinced of a victory when they went to battle the colonists.

Revolutionary Womens

Deborah samson, Was an illiterate(unable to read or write) massachusetts setts farm worker who loved adventure. In 1782 after the last battle of the war but while there was still some fighting she enlisted in the continental army as robert shurtliff. She served for one and a half years. According to one account afer samson was hit by a musket ball she cut the ball out of her leg to avoid being examined by a doctor. Later a doctor treating samson for a fever discovered her secrets. She was given an honorable discharge in October 1783. Some patrios womens set fire to their own property to keep loyalist from using it. Catherine schuyler set fire to her family's wheat fields in upstate New York so the british troops could not use the crop. In revenge, the british burned Schyler's house to the ground.

A few camp, Followers served on the battlefield they hauled cold water for cooling down the canons. Two legendary water carriers were Margaret Corbin took over her husbands cannon when he was killed in battle and fired it until her arm was nearly torn off by grapeshot. Hays also took over from her husband when he collapsed from heat. One soldiers memoir recalls that she kept firing the cannon ball blew off the lower part of her petticoat. Patience Lovell wrigth was an artist who made wax figures of famous people. In 1772 she moved to England. There, she met many important people. When the revolution started, Lovell began to spy for the patriot, passing along information to the colonies by hiding messages inside wax figures that she shipped over for display.

Ann bailey did not, Fare as well as deborah samson. She enlisted in 1777 as samuel gay. Within three weeks she was promoted to corporal. Shortly afterward her disguise was discovered and she ran away. A few month later bailey was found and tried in court. She was fined sentenced two months in jail and discharged from the army. In the british tax on tea on the night of December 16 1773 some men boarded a ship and threw all of its cargo of tea into Boston Harbor. The event is called Bosotn Tea Party. Sarah Fulton helped the men disguise themselves as Mohawk indians. Then she heated water in her kitchen so they could wash off the disguises. For this she called the mother of the Boston Tea Party

Friday, March 1, 2013

When Washington Crossed the Delaware

Christmas night of 1776, was a troubled time for the United States. After six months the Declaration of Independence had been signed, General George Washington and his army, had suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the British. Washington lead the main body of his army across the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack to the British. Washington and his men were going against the odds. People thought it was impossible for them to win against the most powerful army in those times. But men who started across the cold Delaware loved their country and their leader, they wanted to get their Independence.

When they started across the Delaware, Washington's men had no jackets to keep them warm, many had no shoes. Everyone was hungry. Under General Washington's orders they had taken every boat they could find with them, so they were safe from the British. But Washington's men were exhausted and sick. On the other side of the icy river, British had stationed Hessians. The Hessians had no respect for the American. Before dawn on December 26 they would attack the Hessians at Trenton, New Jersey. Washington thought that they could only win if his men caught the Hessians by surprise.

Thomas Paine inspired Washington's men to fight against the British. On Christmas night of 1776, Washington led twenty-four hundred men to a crossing point 9 miles upstream from Trenton. Washington's men crowded into large boats that would take them to the opposite shore. They had eighteen cannons, so getting them across the river was very hard. But at three o' clock in the morning, the crossing was complete! Washington's army thought that their surprise attack would no be effective because they had to do it during the daylight, but they still did it. The American soldiers bombard them so much, that the Hessians had to leave the place. 19-year-old Captain Alexander Hamilton lead one of the companies firing the Hessians. Another person who was there was James Monroe, which later he would become the fifth president of United States. The battle was called "The Battle of Trenton", which Washington's army won.

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Bunker Hill

This battle could be considered one the mosto significant battles of the colonists. The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on June 17, 1775 on a place known as Breed's Hill. This was during the early stages of the Revolutionary War and the Siege on Boston.The Battle of Bunker Hill is named after "Bunker Hill" which is adjacent to Breed's Hill. It is located near a peninsula in Boston.

The British had all the odds for this battle, having the British Army and Hessiens as backup. The Colonists made some preparations for the battle (sending 1,200 soldiers to make some arrangements), but a British officer found out about their tactics and they decided to fight during the day. They fought at 3 pm, General Howe leading a group of infantry and brigadiers on the left flank of the Colonists defense. A group of sir Robert Pigot were situated just south of Charleston town, where they started to get sniper damage. They eventually decide to burn the whole town to the ground, leaving a lot of smoke in the battlefield.

This battle was fought between the Continental army and the British Army. It was planned by Lord William Howe, and he was expecting to win the battle easily against the United Colonies. Even though he won the battle, he had a total of 1054 casualties while the continental army only had 450 casualties. George Washington was able to defeat 2 attacks of the British, until they were out of ammunition and had to retreat. They lost the battle, but it gave the Continental Army a huge boost of confidence.