In June of 1767 the Parliament decided to cut off the land taxes imposed on the colonists. Charles Townshend decided to make the Townshend Act. This act stated that they would taxed the colonists. Then they would use the money collected from the Townshend Act to pay the salaries of the British soldiers that protected the colonies. This act created a tax on goods that colonists imported, like paper, glass, paints, and tea. The Townshend Act was very judged by the colonists. In October, the colonists decided to restart the boycott on English items.
In February, Samuel Adams of Massachusetts wrote a letter so that Parliament would stop taxation without representation. Adams's letter helped the colonists to continue opposing the English. This letter became very famous in the colonies. Colonies like New York, New Hampshire, and New Jersey decided to approve Samuel Adams's method of opposition. Colonists from all the English colonies began with the boycott. The reason of the boycott was that the Parliament would repealed the Townshend Act. Many collectors of taxes were killed by colonists!
When the Townshend Act was still active, lots of money was lost. Colonists were in need of goods, so they began buying smuggled things. Colonists preferred to buy smuggled things rather than English goods. All they wanted was that the Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts. With all the money lost and collectors of taxes killed, Parliament repealed the Townshend Act on everything except on tea in March of 1770. The Parliament left the act on tea to show the colonists that they were the authority in the colonies. In conclusion, Samuel Adams helped the colonists with the repealed of the Townshend Act.