Friday, January 25, 2013

The Boston Tea Party

During 1760-1770, many acts were created by the Parliament. Colonists began the boycott on English goods so that Parliament would repealed the Townshend Act. Parliament repealed all the taxes except the one on tea. England was in debt and they needed money, so the Parliament came up with an idea. They gave the East India Company the right to sell tea to the colonists. Parliament reduced the prices on tea for the colonists. However if the colonists bought their tea, the Parliament would have the right to tax them.

The colonists preferred to buy the smuggled Dutch tea (which cost more) rather than the English tea. They knew that if they bought English tea, Parliament would have the right to tax them. Since Parliament decided to continue with the plan, ships loaded with tea went to the American territory. During 1773, the tea was the major conflict in the American colonies. England was in debt after the Seven Years War, so they decided to leave the tax on tea.

On December 16 of 1773, three ships full of tea arrived in Boston. The Boston Patriots were going to attack the East India Company cargos. They decided to dressed us as Mohawk Indians. They were about 200 colonists. What they would do was to get inside the ships and dumped off their cargo. When they got in the ships, the began opening the crates full of tea and dumped them in the water. This in protest against the Parliament for putting taxes on them. Colonists thought that if they would dumped the tea and continued with the boycott, then the Parliament would leave them alone, but it only got worst. 

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